
Smart , aint i ?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Late Night Dairy

In my entire life , i never had the chance to come across someone who stood by me for the things that i have not done .. I respected and stood by those who never did things that they should but they were feeling lazy to do so ...

wats up , guys ask me watever u want on -

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Agaya Paee Akal Tabhee Chalayo Panth
Sub Sikhon Ko Hukam Hai  Guru Manyo Granth
Guru Granth ji manyo pargat Guran ki deh.
jo, prabh ko milna chahe khoj shabad men le.
The Khalsa has been created by the Order Of God
To All Sikhs this is the last command:
The Granth (“Sri Guru Granth Sahib”) is the [only] Guru of the Sikhs
Whose who wish communion with God shall so find in the Guru Granth Sahib
Respected Guru Gobind Singh last command 1615, Jungles Of Nandehr

The Khalsa Belongs To God
The Victory  Belongs To God
Utterance Of The Respected Guru Gobind Singh
Battle cry and greeting of Sikhs